Unnathi Softech Busywin Busywin Software Comparison Chart

Busywin Software Comparison Chart

Busy Software Comparision Chart

Busy client server edition is a perfect model to work for those who want centralized financial accounting data processing with large amount of data. Client Server Edition can be also use for multiple location/branches accounting and inventory management.

Feature Basic Standard Enterprise
Multi-Company / Multi-Financial Year
Pre-defined Masters for Instant Start
Multiple Voucher Series for each Voucher Type
User-definable Optional Fields in Masters / Vouchers
Voucher entry while viewing reports & vice-versa
Voucher Cancellation
Search / Sort / Filter / Group all Screen Reports
Reports Export (Plain File / HTML / PDF / MS-Excel)
Printing in Draft Mode (DOS-Like)
Drill Down from All Reports to Voucher Level
Print Preview
Graphs & Charts
User-Definable Shortcuts / Favourites Menu
Account / Item Category for Enhanced Grouping
Party Dashboard at the time of Voucher Feeding
Images / Notes in Account / Item Masters
Option to Change Labels & Captions in Data Entry Forms
User-definable Columns in Reports
Custom Validations in Masters / Vouchers
Provision for Invoice Printing in Second Language
All Books of Accounts
Balance Sheet with various Schedules
Outstanding Reports – Bill-by-bill basis
Daily / Monthly Summaries of Accounts / Groups
Printing of Bank Deposit Slip
Configurable Payment Reminder Letters
Depreciation Chart (As per Co. Act / IT Act)
Ageing Analysis on FIFO Basis
Interest Calculation with Automatic Posting in Accounts
Bank Re-conciliation
Columnar Accounts Registers (Configurable)
Handling of Post-dated Cheques (PDC)
Maintain Bank Instrument Details
Configurable Balance Sheet & Profit / Loss A/c
Multi-Currency Accounting
Cost Centres
Broker-wise Reporting
Royalty Calculation
All books of Inventory
Stock Ledger

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